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Replacement parts for trailer hitches

Our heavy-duty adjustable trailer hitches are strong and versatile. If you need to customize one of our hitches to fit your setup correctly, just browse through our replacement parts for different adjustable racks, trailer hitch locking pins, or additional trailer hitch balls.

Ultimate 5th wheel parts

Replacement parts and add-ons that make for the ultimate 5th wheel experience: Ultimate 5th Wheel Connection bases, kingpin coupler assembly, Safety Chains, accessories and more.

weight distribution parts

We didn’t just raise the bar, but we eliminated the need for sway bars entirely. Our Andersen Weight Distribution design eliminates the sway and bounce in your trailer, using our interconnected motion-dampening chains and sway-control ball housing system.

RApid Hitch parts

With our selection of adjustment racks, shank sizes, combo ball sizes, and ball material; you can have one hitch that fits all of your tow vehicles. Choose from 32 different versions of the Rapid Hitch for your truck and trailer setup.

EZ Hitch Parts

Replacement parts and add-ons for the heavy-duty adjustable EZ Hitch: adjustment racks, combo balls, adjustment pins, and more.

Ranch Hitch Parts

If you want to pull a 5th wheel trailer but don’t want to lose your truck bed to a bulky 5th wheel hitch, the Ranch Hitch Adapter is the perfect solution for you. You can use any standard gooseneck hitch in your truck bed with our Ranch Hitch Adapter attached to the trailer.